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VE Day Petals for Peace

This week's pupil competition is Petals for Peace. For details, see below.

Friday 8th May 2020 will mark 75 years since VE Day

Petals for Peace is a creative project launched by Alabaré Homes for Veterans to mark this important anniversary and bring communities together through the Coronavirus pandemic. We are asking members of the public to create a simple paper flower display in their window at home and make a donation of £5 to our work with homeless and vulnerable Veterans.

How to Get Involved:

1.       Create your Petals for Peace and write a message of peace (make your own or take inspiration from our free online resources below).

2.       Display your Petals of Peace proudly in your window at home or with those pupils still in school.

3.       Make a donation to our JustGiving Campaign Page or set up your own fundraising page on JustGiving - We are recommending donations of £5 per household, all proceeds supporting homeless and vulnerable Veterans.

4.       Share your Petals and messages of peace with us and the community using the #PetalsForPeace.

 Coronavirus is posing a severe threat to the homeless people we are supporting at Alabaré and has already put huge strains on our charity financially. Our fundraising events over the next 6 months have all had to be postponed and we are facing an immediate loss of at least £100,000 at a time when we desperately need that money to help save lives. By taking part in Petals for Peace you will be directly supporting Alabaré's Homes for Veterans which provide a home and support to over 100 homeless Veterans every night. All donations will help us get homeless and vulnerable Veterans into our homes where we can support them if they fall ill. You can make sure every resident has a safe home, food and access to medication in this time of urgent need. You will also be providing essential support to vulnerable people coping with the mental challenges of this very difficult time.